March 17, 2020
As COVID-19, also referred to as the Coronavirus, moves rapidly across the United States, Wounded Warriors Family Support wants to make it clear that we are here and able to help our nation’s combat wounded families.
If you are a combat wounded family or caregiver and have been diagnosed with COVID-19, please reach out to our team for emergency assistance for your family. We will assist you with finding childcare or other assistance while you deal with your medical needs. As the situation changes and evolves we will also be looking for agencies and individuals willing to directly assist these families. As the number of cases in the US grows, those willing to help those close to infection will decrease rapidly, leaving the burden to direct family members. If you have a family member helping out, please reach out and let us help you. Our direct programs number is 402-932-7036. We are in this together and will work to get you the medical, financial, and emotional support you need to get through this.

If you or a direct family member have not been directly diagnosed with COVID-19, please reserve this emergency assistance for those who are already facing a dire and very stressful family emergency.
For updates on COVID-19 we recommend you visit the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention website. This is the most reliable source for current information to protect your family.
Before proceeding further please note, you must upload a copy of your Veteran’s DD214 and Purple Heart, DOD or VA disability breakdown at the end of this application. Applications cannot be processed without proper documentation. If the Purple Heart is evident on the DD214, you need only upload the DD214. If awarded after exiting the service, a copy of the Purple Heart award or a DD215 must accompany the DD214. Please note the VA disability Breakdown is not the overall award letter. It will have individual percentages of combat/service connected disabilities.
Applications cannot be processed without proper documentation.
Donate to COVID-19 infected Veteran Families
During this epidemic, Wounded Warriors Family Support is directing 100% of donations made specifically for COVID-19 infected veteran families to these needs. The button to the left will take you to a specific donation page for this purpose. As a nation, we will get through this and help those families who are facing this virus.