Remember and Honor this Memorial Day

May 29, 2023 With deep gratitude, we remember and honor the heroes who fought for our liberty. On this Memorial Day, we join together in remembrance of our fallen heroes and their enduring legacy. Let us never forget the brave individuals who gave their lives for our freedom. About Wounded Warriors Family SupportWounded Warriors Family […]
WWFS Board Member, Ronnie Rains, presented with Order of St George Gold Medallion

March 9, 2023 Lt. Gen. John B Sylvester, Chairman of WWFS Board of Directors, presented the Gold Medallion, Order of St George to Ronnie Rains for supporting many veteran charities nationwide. The Order of Saint George is the patron Saint of Armor and Cavalry and the highest award that we give in the association, of […]
Tennessee Army Veteran Awarded $30,000 Vehicle Grant

April 25, 2023 Wounded Warriors Family Support awarded Army Sgt. Jason Smith of Red Bank, Tennessee with a $30,000 vehicle grant to assist him with the purchase of a 2023 Toyota Tundra Truck. Army Sgt Jason Smith joined the Army in March of 2009, following in the footsteps of both of his parents. He deployed […]
MCL-Miguel Keith Detachment 609 Awards Omaha North High School JROTC Honor Cadets

April 13, 2023 Marine Corps League-Miguel Keith Detachment 609 awarded scholarships to six Omaha North High School JROTC Honor Cadets during a ceremony at Omaha North High School, 4410 North 36th Street, Auditorium, Thursday, April 13, from 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. During the ceremony, a replica of the Detachment’s namesake, Medal of Honor recipient […]
Six Veterans Complete WWFS Welding Training Program in April

April 6, 2023 Congratulations to Greg, Matt, Benny, Jack, Cedric, and Raechel for their graduations from the April Veteran Welding Training class!!! Cedric and Raechel shared their experiences below. WWFS’s Veterans Welding Training Program provides veterans with a unique opportunity to learn welding skills that can be applied in various industrial settings. The program offers […]
WWFS is honored to be included with local nonprofits at the Omaha Lifestyle and Home Expo

March 17, 2023 Wounded Warriors Family Support was honored to be invited to display the 13 Heroes Ford Bronco at the 2023 Omaha Lifestyle and Home Expo. The Bronco is a tribute to the last 13 U.S. Service Members killed in Afghanistan on August 26th, 2021. Hand-painted likenesses of each of the following are included […]
Dodge Cares Donates Record-Breaking $85,000 To Local Nonprofits

March 9, 2023 Dodge Cares hosted their annual check presentation event where a record-breaking total of $85,000.00 was presented to 14 local, nonprofit organizations located throughout eastern Nebraska and western Iowa. The check presentation was hosted by Michelle Jenkins, President of Dodge Cares Board of Directors and Greg Kraemer, Vice President of Dodge Cares Board […]
Florida Triple Amputee Air Force Veteran Awarded $30,000 Vehicle Grant

March 3, 2023 Wounded Warriors Family Support awarded U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant Joseph Deslauriers of Destin, Florida with a $30,000 vehicle grant to assist him with the purchase of a 2023 Chevy Silverado. In September of 2011, MSgt. Deslauriers, a 1st Special Operations Civil Engineer Squadron explosive ordnance disposal technician, was mounted in a […]
Florida Army Veteran Awarded $30,000 Vehicle Grant

March 1, 2023 Wounded Warriors Family Support awarded U.S. Army Specialist Stephen Peterson of Land O’ Lakes, Florida with a $30,000 vehicle grant to assist him with the purchase of a 2023 Volvo XC60 Sport Utility. U.S. Army Specialist (E4) Stephen Peterson enlisted in the military in 2010. During his time in service, Peterson received […]
WWFS Partners with Marine Corps League to feed local Marines

January 20, 2023 Wounded Warriors Family Support was honored to partner once again with the Marine Corps League-Miguel Keith Detachment 609 to support Omaha Marines Detachment 1 Maintenance Company. Wounded Warriors Family Support provided the meal and the Marine Corps League provided the volunteers to prepare and serve the meal to the Marines stationed here […]